The Episcopal Church is rooted in a history of preparing individuals to live their faith faithfully in a rapidly changing world. Education for all ages is grounded in scripture, tradition, and reason. We see Christian education as part of a holistic view of Christian formation, centered in Baptism and shaped by the Holy Eucharist. Whether in a classroom setting, intergenerational gathering or worship, the themes of gathering, story, prayer, sharing, and going out form the basis of education. Each congregation discerns what curricula and program best suits its context and need for educating all ages, with the Baptismal Covenant as a model for learning and living out one’s faith in daily life. 


The Adult Education Ministry coordinates four outside speakers and teach two courses per year, particularly during Lent and Advent Season. Some presentations may be planned as an event, in which volunteers are needed to support the logistic aspects.

To get involved, contact: 

Jack Miles



EFM invites participants into a small, mentored group to explore Scripture, Christian history, theology and ethics, always with an emphasis on personal engagement and discovery. EFM is, in essence, independent study with group reflection guiding adults into a deeper relationship with God. The confidentiality of the group allows free, safe and supportive discussion and exploration of questions and unfamiliar ideas.

Click here to learn moreEducation for Ministry Presentation

To get involved, contact: 

Wayne Kempe



This program goal is to provide developmentally appropriate faith formation for young people that helps them to remain engaged with and connected to the congregations that nurture them. We use a combination of several curriculums, like Journey to Adulthood, Rite 14, 4Ward, Confirm, not Conform that are designed to support youth, families, leaders, and communities in building relationships and fostering ongoing growth. It is our hope that the young people who participate in this program will develop rich faith lives.

To get involved, contact: 

Fr. Abel Lopez



Discernment of our Christian vocation begins with the conviction that God calls each of us as a baptized Christian to actively participate in the Body of Christ. The goal of discernment is to know God’s desire for a person or situation within the context of the wider vision of the Kingdom of God. The discernment process is one of prayerful discovery that assumes God is already at work in the world around us, inviting us to participate and co-create. This guide is designed to assist those engaged in a specific kind of discernment, i.e., individuals who are sensing a call to some form of ministry leadership, whether lay or ordained, in the Episcopal Church.


WOMEN’S BOOK Discussion

The Women’s Book Group meets every other month to discuss books selected by the group. All are welcome to join the discussion. Typically, the group meets in the home of a member of the book group and meetings include social time and desserts.

To get involved, contact: 

Jean Hollingshead
